
Age UK - Carers Together Wiltshire Supporting unpaid carers in Wiltshire

There are currently thousands of individuals identified as carers in Wiltshire. Carers Together they aim to ensure that these individuals can achieve a healthy balance between their caring responsibilities and personal lives.

They recognise that caring for another person can be challenging and can offer much-needed practical and emotional support to unpaid carers and provide opportunities for breaks from caring duties.

Carers Together Wiltshire work together with their partnership organisations to provide support to individuals providing informal unpaid care to an another person through a range of support services and can provide: activities, breaks, advice, counselling, coaching, training and support (including peer-support) for carers.

They are here to support you, offer a listening ear and practical help and support.

Phone: 01380 710300



Carer's Emergency Card - Wiltshire

The Carer ID Card offers a form of verified identification, recognised nationally, which acknowledges your caring role and provides access to various benefits, offers and services. The card is free of charge, and issued by Forward Carers. The card verifies your caring identity and includes your photograph and your In Case of Emergency (ICE) contact details.

You can find apply for a carers ID Card using the link below:

Young Carers

Young carers and young adult carers look after a family member or loved one with an illness, disability, mental health condition or addiction. They may also help to care for siblings or elderly relatives.

Youth Action Wiltshire is the national award-winning ‘youth arm’ of Community First. They work with hundreds of young carers and young adult carers every year in Wiltshire through their dedicated Youth Action Wiltshire Young Carers Service. They are proud to support and champion their rights, helping them to feel safer in their caring role and offering opportunities for them to achieve and thrive. Youth Action Wiltshire can support with one to one mentoring, respite, clubs and workshops. Help with education and skills development. Children and parents can self-refer on 0300 456 0108 or

Telephone: 01380 720 671



Youth Action Wiltshire

YAW has been running the National Award Winning Wiltshire Young Carers Service since 1999. They currently hold 500+ active Wiltshire young carers cases. The service includes projects and respite activities as well as support, key work advocacy and mentoring.

Telephone: 01380 729813



Carers at KAMP

KAMP provide extra support to carers wherever possible. A carer is defined as ‘anyone who cares unpaid, for a family member or friend who could not always manage without their support’.

Carers can be anyone over 5 years old. If you are a carer, please register with KAMP by visiting the surgery and asking for a Carer’s Pack. We can offer flexible appointments and put you in touch with Carers Together Wiltshire, headed by Age UK Wiltshire, who provide information, advice, and signposting to support services, training courses, days out, activities, support groups, carers cafes and breaks from the caring role. They are here to support  carers, offer a listening ear and practical help and support.

Telephone: 01380 710300


The Wiltshire Adult Care and Support Guide

This guide can help you to find:

  • Nursing homes for the elderly
  • Domiciliary care for someone with learning disabilities,
  • Staying independent at home
  • Tips on paying for care

The guide also contains comprehensive information on the whole social care process.