Patient Participation Group

The role of the KAMP Patient Participation Group is to work with the Kennet and Avon Medical Practice, as a ‘critical friend’.  Its core objectives are:

  • Facilitate and enable dialogue between patients and the practice team and promote patient involvement in the practice
  • Facilitate and encourage debate among patients concerning health needs, health priorities and current service provision
  • Collect feedback from the community about current health service provision and suggestions concerning gaps and how services could be improved
  • Ensure the needs and interests of all patient groups are taken into consideration – including people with specific illnesses or conditions, people with a disability and people from minority ethnic groups
  • Ensure patients’ needs are considered in the development of the practice systems e.g. appointment systems and telephone systems, providing information about and promoting understanding of such system amongst patients
  • Support the Practice to achieve its health promotion aims

Meetings are held every two months and representatives are encouraged to raise areas for discussion. In between meetings, the PPG is kept informed of any developments and news from the practice via email. There are always several representative of the practice present at the meeting.

Since its inception, the PPG has supported the practice with positive changes; here are some examples of the type of output:

The PPG supported a “Get-Online” event was held in conjunction with our carers’ leads to support patients to access our on-line services

PPG members provide representation at the Council Health Committee Meetings

The PPG designed and updated a “Help at Hand” leaflet which is available on our website and in our surgeries

Feedback from our regular patient surveys (designed and supported by the PPG) have meant that we have changed the way we operate over lunchtimes as well as the way we handle incoming calls and our reception team are now more efficient.

The PPG is the voice of patients, and so if you have any comments, suggestions or thoughts that you would like the PPG to discuss, please send these to the group via e-mail to This address is monitored by the PPG and so we ask that you do not send any personal or confidential information to it. Alternatively, any comments can be posted to the PPG at the following address:

The Patient Participation Group,
Marlborough Surgery,
George Lane,
SN8 4BY.

If you would like to join the PPG, please fill out the PPG registration form.

Your Patient Participation Group (PPG) Need You!

The Practice can only make changes that benefit patients if they know what patients want.